Mcz Boxsystem 75 FR Manuale Utente

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Contents Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited
1. WARNINGS AND WARRANTY CONDITIONS.....................................................................................4
1.1. SAFETY WARNINGS ........................................................................................................................4
1.2. OPERATING WARNINGS..................................................................................................................4
1.3. WARRANTY CONDITIONS................................................................................................................4
1.3.1. Restrictions..............................................................................................................................4
1.3.2. Exclusions................................................................................................................................5
2. INSTALLATION CONCEPTS ACCORDING TO UNI 10683...................................................................6
2.1. OPERATING AREA...........................................................................................................................6
2.2. PRECAUTIONS................................................................................................................................6
2.3. EXTERNAL AIR OUTLET...................................................................................................................7
2.4. CONNECTION TO THE FLUE PIPE.....................................................................................................8
2.5. CHIMNEY FLUE...............................................................................................................................8
2.5.1. Examples of chimney flues ......................................................................................................10
2.6. CHIMNEY POT ..............................................................................................................................11
3. DIMENSIONS AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS..........................................................................12
3.1. SMARTBOX ..................................................................................................................................12
3.2. CLIMASYSTEM..............................................................................................................................13
3.3. SUPERCLIMA ................................................................................................................................15
4. INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLY .....................................................................................................17
4.1. PREPARATION AND UNPACKING....................................................................................................17
4.2. MAKING THE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ......................................................................................17
4.3. GENERAL ASSEMBLY RULES ..........................................................................................................18
4.4. ASSEMBLY OF THE INSERTS (all models)........................................................................................18
4.5. CONNECTION TO THE CHIMNEY FLUE (all models) .........................................................................18
4.5.1. Direct connection between insert and flue pipe .........................................................................18
4.5.2. Connection using the telescopic connection ..............................................................................19
4.6. PARTICULARITIES OF THE SUPERCLIMA MODEL.............................................................................19
4.6.1. Superclima as a self-supporting structure .................................................................................19
4.6.2. Insertion of Superclima in a firebox..........................................................................................19
4.7. HOT AIR OUTLET KIT ASSEMBLY for CLIMASYSTEM and SMARTBOX................................................21
4.8. HOT AIR OUTLET KIT ASSEMBLY SUPERCLIMA...............................................................................21
4.9. FORCED VENTILATION KIT ASSEMBLY for SUPERCLIMA ..................................................................22
4.10. PERFORATED COMPENSATION FRAME KIT ASSEMBLY .................................................................24
4.11. COMPENSATION FRAME ASSEMBLY ............................................................................................24
4.12. BEAM PROTECTION KIT ASSEMBLY ............................................................................................24
4.13. SUMMARY DIAGRAM FOR IDEAL CONNECTION OF THE INSERTS..................................................25
5. OPERATION.....................................................................................................................................27
5.1. PRE-LIGHTING WARNINGS............................................................................................................27
5.2. FUEL............................................................................................................................................27
5.3. USE OF THE INSERT .....................................................................................................................28
5.3.1. LOADING THE FUEL ...............................................................................................................28
5.3.2. COMBUSTION CONTROL.........................................................................................................28
5.3.3. FIRST LIGHTING....................................................................................................................29
5.4. FORCED VENTILATION OPERATION for the SMARTBOX MODELS .....................................................30
5.4.1. Manual operation ...................................................................................................................30
5.4.2. Automatic operation ...............................................................................................................30
5.5. SMARTBOX F80 VN NATURAL VENTILATION...................................................................................31
5.6. FORCED VENTILATION OPERATION for the CLIMASYSTEM MODELS.................................................31
5.7. FORCED VENTILATION OPERATION for the SUPERCLIMA MODELS...................................................31
5.7.1. FC 715 control unit operation ..................................................................................................31 Radio remote control........................................................................................................32 Switching on and off ........................................................................................................32
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 36 37


Pagina 1 - Contents

Contents INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 1 Contents Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited INTRODUC

Pagina 2

Chapter 2 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 10 Theoretical concepts for installation Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Re


Chapter 2 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 11 Theoretical concepts for installation Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Re


Chapter 3 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 12 Technical features and technical specifications Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights res

Pagina 5 - 1.3.2. Exclusions

Chapter 3 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 13 Technical features and technical specifications Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights res

Pagina 6 - 2.2. PRECAUTIONS

Chapter 3 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 14 Technical features and technical specifications Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights res


Chapter 3 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 15 Technical features and technical specifications Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights res

Pagina 8 - 2.5. CHIMNEY FLUE

Chapter 3 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 16 Technical features and technical specifications Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights res

Pagina 9

Chapter 4 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 17 Installation and assembly Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction p

Pagina 10

Chapter 4 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 18 Installation and assembly Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction p

Pagina 11 - 2.6. CHIMNEY POT

Chapter 4 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 19 Installation and assembly Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction p

Pagina 12 - 3.1. SMARTBOX

Contents INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 2 Contents Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited

Pagina 13 - 3.2. CLIMASYSTEM

Chapter 4 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 20 Installation and assembly Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction p

Pagina 14

Chapter 4 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 21 Installation and assembly Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction p

Pagina 15 - 3.3. SUPERCLIMA

Chapter 4 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 22 Installation and assembly Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction p

Pagina 16 - 262,5262,5 270

Chapter 4 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 23 Installation and assembly Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction p

Pagina 17 - 4. Installation and assembly

Chapter 4 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 24 Installation and assembly Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction p

Pagina 18 - (Figure 3)

Chapter 4 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 25 Installation and assembly Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction p

Pagina 19 - (figure 4)

Chapter 4 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 26 Installation and assembly Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction p

Pagina 20

Chapter 5 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 27 Operation Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited 5. OP


Chapter 5 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 28 Operation Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited Fuels

Pagina 22

Chapter 5 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 29 Operation Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited SECON

Pagina 23 - (figure 7)

Introduction INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 3 Introduction Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited

Pagina 24 - ASSEMBLY

Chapter 5 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 30 Operation Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited high

Pagina 25 - OF THE INSERTS

Chapter 5 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 31 Operation Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited The p


Chapter 5 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 32 Operation Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited MANUA

Pagina 27 - Do not demand full heating

Chapter 5 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 33 Operation Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited The y

Pagina 28 - 5.3.2. COMBUSTION CONTROL

Chapter 5 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 34 Operation Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited Follo

Pagina 29 - Caution !

Chapter 5 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 35 Operation Technical service – MCZ S.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction prohibited

Pagina 30 - 5.4.2. Automatic operation

Chapter 6 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 36 Maintenance and cleaning Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction pr

Pagina 31 - (figure 6)

Chapter 6 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 37 Maintenance and cleaning Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduction pr

Pagina 32 - Automatic mode

Chapter 1 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 4 Warnings and warranty conditions Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduc

Pagina 33 - AND SWITCH

Chapter 1 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 5 Warnings and warranty conditions Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Reproduc


Chapter 2 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 6 Theoretical concepts for installation Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Rep

Pagina 35

Chapter 2 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 7 Theoretical concepts for installation Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Rep


Chapter 2 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 8 Theoretical concepts for installation Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Rep

Pagina 37

Chapter 2 INSTALLATION AND USE MANUAL page 9 Theoretical concepts for installation Technical service - MCZS.p.A. all rights reserved - Rep

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