82-FUELThe instructions in this chapter refer explicitly to the Italian installation regulation UNI 10683. In any case, always observe the domestic re
ABCA93-INSTALLATIONTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedFOREWORDThe installation position must be chosen according to the
min.3,5 metriAT(A)AP(B)104-FLUEFOREWORDThis chapter on the Smoke Flue has been produced in reference to the prescriptions of European regulations (EN1
ABCDEABCD15°EFABCDE30°F114-FLUETechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedTECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICSHave the eciency of the ue
19923456789134-FLUETechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedMAINTENANCEThe ue must be kept clean, since the deposit of soot
MIN.1,5 m MIN.1,5 mMIN.1,5 mMIN.0,3 mAB BAC144-FLUEEXTERNAL AIR INLETIt is mandatory to provide an adequate external air intake that supplies the comb
154-FLUETechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedDISTANCE (metres) The air inlet must be at a distance of:1.5 m UNDER Windows
TISIUBAPUIIC43D2IEVU1F164-FLUEEXAMPLES OF CORRECT INSTALLATION1. Installation of Ø150mm ue with hole for the passage of the tube increased by:minimum
Ø200900686600560179*4848Ø8075*38*188250442449Ø100Ø100Ø200175-DRAWINGS AND TECHNICAL FEATURESTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is pr
C196-UNPACKINGTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedPREPARATION AND UNPACKINGThe product is supplied in a single package.
BCAA207-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYSMOKE EXHAUST CONNECTIONCOMBUSTION AIRDuring operation a certain amount of air is drawn from the room in which the pr
1234652314217-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedHOT AIR OUTLET DUCTINGThe product has the opt
227-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYELECTRIC FAN CONNECTIONThe kit supplied includes 2 silicone cables, 2.5 metre long for wiring the fans. Start by wiring a
237-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedPOSITIONINGBefore placing the product, assess optimal p
50MIN. 590 431800 MAX705 MIN800 MAX705 MIN247-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYFASTENING TO THE BASE OF THE INSERTIt is obligatory to anchor the product to a
CBDE257-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedThe product may be installed at the desired height,
50MIN. 590 431800 MAX705 MIN800 MAX705 MIN165 440230933500* 50 MIN230933500*267-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYSIDE CHUTE ASSEMBLYIn the event of opting fo
230933500* 50 MIN230933500* 50MIN540277-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedFRONT CHUTE ASSEMBL
1INTRODUCTIONTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedDear Customer, our products are designed and manufactured in compliance
875490 N RB M287-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYPRODUCT HOUSING HOLEThe hole to be made on the wall is 875*490 mm. These measurements allow the frame to
A AA ABBBB297-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedPay the utmost attention when handling panels
307-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYHOOD VENTILATION GRILLESForewordVentilation grilles must be provided depending on how the product is placed.In the event
317-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedELECTRICAL CONNECTIONFirst connect the power cable to t
327-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYSETTING UP THE CLADDINGAll product functionalities must be tested before being clad. The company cannot be held liable fo
CBB337-INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLYTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedASSEMBLING THE COMPENSATION FRAMEAfter completing th
348-PRECAUTIONS BEFORE START-UPGENERAL PRECAUTIONSRemove any objects that may burn from the brazier (manual, various adhesive labels or any polystyren
Pellet358-PRECAUTIONS BEFORE START-UPTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedDO NOT EXPECT HEATING EFFICIENCY IMMEDIATELY!!!
ABECD369-REMOTE CONTROL MAXGENERAL FEATURES OF THE LCD REMOTE CONTROLThe remote control works at a transmission frequency of 434.5 MHz. Power the prod
MAN12:0231MAX°CTU12:0331°CTU35°CAUTO379-REMOTE CONTROL MAXTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedREMOTE CONTROL OPERATIONGe
21-WARNINGS AND WARRANTY CONDITIONSSAFETY PRECAUTIONS • Installation, electrical connection, function test and maintenance must only be carried out b
8:2026FR20°CTIMER°CP112:0631°CTU23°CECO12:0731°CTU23°CTIMERECO389-REMOTE CONTROL MAXTIMER Mode (TIMER)Select this operating mode to switch the product
26°CMAN21:11FROFF2723:00MAX°C399-REMOTE CONTROL MAXTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedSUNDRY SETTINGSRoom ventilationRo
MAN21:11FR19SF°CMAN21:11FR19SF°C409-REMOTE CONTROL MAXNO AIR FUNCTION (SF)The NO AIR function allows the stove to operate at the minimum power through
TIMER6:308:00MOTUWETHFRSASUONOFF20P1°CTIMERECOOFF ON419-REMOTE CONTROL MAXTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedTIMER sett
ABCGDEF4210-EMERGENCY PANELThere is an emergency panel on the side-rear part of the stove, designed to detect any malfunctions and also for product co
ONOFFDE4311-OPERATIONTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedSwitch-on/o from the emergency panelIf the remote control is f
4410-EMERGENCY PANELFeed screw loading functionThis function can only be activated when the stove is o and allows the pellets to be loaded into the l
4512-SAFETY DEVICESTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedSAFETY DEVICESThe product is tted with the following safety devi
4613-ALARMSALARM ALERTSIn the event an operating anomaly occurs the stove starts switching o due to the alarm and informs the user of the type offaul
4713-ALARMSTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedA12The remote control has been out of the reception range of the stove fo
31-WARNINGS AND WARRANTY CONDITIONSTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibited• Many of the surfaces of the product get very h
4813-ALARMSMechanical stove blockThe following conditions may cause the mechanical stove block:• Structure overheating (“A03”)• Smoke overheating (
4914-CLEANINGTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedATTENTION!All the cleaning operations of all parts must be performed wi
LE5014-CLEANINGCHECK EVERY 2 / 3 DAYSClean and empty any ash or deposits from ash pan “E” and brazier “L” that might obstruct the air ow holes, payin
5114-CLEANINGTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedPERIODIC CLEANING PERFORMED BY A QUALIFIED TECHNICIANPULLING THE PRODUC
HGFLE5214-CLEANINGWith a rigid rod or a bottle brush, scrape the walls of the hearth. Remove the ash tray “E” and the brazier “L”. With the nozzle of
T1T3T2G1G3G25314-CLEANINGTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedAfter cleaning inside the hearth, extract the movable part
V1V2t5414-CLEANINGCLEANING OF SMOKE DUCT AND FITTINGWhen the product has been extracted, it is possible to operate on the left side to clean and maint
5514-CLEANINGTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedEND-OF-SEASON SHUTDOWNAt the end of each season, before switching the p
5615-FAULTS/CAUSES/SOLUTIONSATTENTION! All repairs must only be carried out by a specialised technician, with the product switched o and the plug dis
5715-FAULTS/CAUSES/SOLUTIONSTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedANOMALY POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLUTIONSThe product works for a
41-WARNINGS AND WARRANTY CONDITIONS• Special maintenance must only be performed by authorised and qualied personnel.• Assess the static conditions
5815-FAULTS/CAUSES/SOLUTIONSANOMALY POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLUTIONSThe air fan does not switch on. The product has not reached the temperature.Wait.The remo
6548791211102315916-CIRCUIT BOARDTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedMOTHERBOARD WIRING KEY1. SMOKE FAN ENCODER 8. AIR
REV 28901411700Via La Croce n°833074 Vigonovo di Fontanafredda (PN) – ITALYTelephone: +39 0434/599599 r.a.Fax: +39 0434/599598Internet: www.mcz.ite-ma
51-WARNINGS AND WARRANTY CONDITIONSTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedINFORMATION:Please contact the retailer or quali
61-WARNINGS AND WARRANTY CONDITIONSEXCLUSIONSThe guarantee does not cover malfunctions and/or damage to the appliance that arise due to the following
71-WARNINGS AND WARRANTY CONDITIONSTechnical Dept. - All rights reserved - Reproduction is prohibitedSPARE PARTSIn the event of a malfunction, consult
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